
Showing posts from April, 2021

Title used as "Pastor", "Priest" etc is it Biblical

Is title  Pastor or Priest biblical ? Let's  investigate from the Holy Bible   The English word “pastor” today is most often used in front of a person’s name as a title of someone in a leadership position within a church or religious organization. But is thichurh leaders title used so often in modern culture is it really biblical? Would believers in Jesus Christ in the First Century, among whom are the writers of the New Testament portion of the Bible, have used this term as a title, representing leaders and authorities? “Pastor” = “Shepherd” In our English translations of  the Bible , we have two words that mean the same thing and are translated from the same word in the original Greek language.'poimen' Those words are “shepherd” and “pastor.” They can be used interchangeably, and there is no difference in meaning since both words translate the same word in the Greek language used in the New Testament portion of the Bible, and the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testam


  "THE HOLY BIBLE" - (A brief overview about this wonder book, the best seller ever published ) . by SM ......................................................................................................................................................... Introduction to Bible & Its compilation : - The name Bible is derived from koine Greek biblĂ­a, "the books", which is a collection of the inspired books & writings  from God  sacred to  Christians & useful for all mankind to be saved.  The Bible is a compilation of books by almost 40 different inspired  Christian  writers ( mostly Jewish Convert, some Greek convert), lived at different times period (approx. 1200 BC.-165 BC.- OT & 1 AD NT.), believed to be collectively the revelations of God for mankind.  These books include divinely inspired- historical accounts, commandments, promises of God, rule of godly living, hymns, prayers, proverbs ,parables,  epistles (letters), poetry, and prophecies et